Chapter 5 Interactive component

This bar chart will display the Percent Proficient in state assessment in Math and RLA for all student categories represented in our data.

To reveal the results, You need to answer the following question by clicking on one of the options (A, B, C, D). You will be prompted a message based on your answer.

To see the bar chart you need to click on solution

Which group of students do you think can benefit the most from resources in order to improve their proficiency in Math / RLA assessments?

  • A: Children with disabilities
  • B: English learner
  • C: Migrant
  • D: Homeless enrolled

Make your choices among the options by clicking the corresponding buttons and verify if you are right.


Press the ‘Solution’ button to see the answer.

Mapping of Student Categories

Category Category Description
MAS Asian/Pacific Islander
F Female
MWH White
MIL Military Connected Student Status
M Male
MTR Two or More Races
MBL Black
MHI Hispanic
ECD Economically disadvantaged
MAM American Indian/Alaska Native
FCS Foster Care Status
MIG Migrant
HOM Homeless Enrolled
CWD Children with disabilities
LEP English Learner